
Earth Stone Station is the outlet for arts and media of the Lower Farm (Ledoux,NM) – a 150 yr old adobe homestead, former commune and place of dreams.

It’s all about the beauty of the earth. Promoting environmental education, Protecting All Species and Preserving the Wild Places with art, music and storytelling.

Earth Stone Station is also the communications link for The Lower Farm Historic Preservation and Sustainability Council. The council is a communal enterprise that conducts seasonal workshops and retreats to promote a rural lifestyle and healthful living. Educational opportunities  for personal growth and well being are environmentally focused.

Subscribe to Earth Stone Station to receive automatic updates, leave a comment on any of the posts or to contact us write: earthstonestation@gmail.com

Happy Trails,   Dohn Chapman

59 Responses to About

  1. canstudio says:

    Fantastic blog! It’s so important to educate and teach a love and respect for the land. Keep up the great blog and keep sharing your knowledge. Jess

    • Thank you ever so much.

      • Greetings from the Lower Farm. I first came to the Lower Farm in 1974 with my girlfriend,, later wife Patricia Fontaine, who was one of the originals. People moved on some are deceased. I’ve been keeping the memory alive since 95 when I moved in. Am in the process of preservation with new windows and doors and adobe plaster, etc. Thanks for checking in and would love to hear any stories. Every now and then I get a visitor like yourself who made stops here back in the day. All have had wonderful memories of the magic. Peace Dohn.

  2. I live in a portion of the Central Valley of California, where, for the most part, “sustainable living” refers to weekly car detailing and mani-pedies. And running a tab at Starbucks.
    Gonna be following you, Dohn, for the comfort and encouragement that there are still warriors out there fighting the battle for our Mother and maybe help you spread the consciousness and commitment to keep her healthy.
    I have a grandson who lives by the grandeur and majesty of the Pacific Coast in Morro Bay, south of Big Sur with little other than some of God’s most awesome work between the two.
    I want him to be able to say the same thing.

    Best wishes, Bro.
    Send the chameleon my love.


  3. Insight says:

    Wow!! Awesome contents. Keep up the good work.\m/ 🙂


  4. sknicholls says:

    What an exciting and interesting blog! i love everything about it! Thank you so much for wandering through my blog, liking my post and giving me the opportunity to follow you!

  5. lifeofimpact says:

    Are you still holding retreats at the Earth Stone Station? It seems you’re apart of exactly the thing I want to create here in MI. I have many questions.

  6. Looks like an amazing place with brilliant things going on!

  7. I’m glad that I could read your posts. Wonderful writing!
    I have a long way to go in exploring nature and its wonders. For that I am looking forward to be inspired by your blog!
    Keep writing and inspiring beginners like me!

  8. Always a pleasure to meet someone not only interested in Earth changes but actually doing something positive to affect current trends. Eddie

  9. Abha says:

    Air, Water, Fire, Earth,Space; These five elements are also essential for Spiritual growth!
    Combination of which makes up a human being.
    I’m happy You have liked my post.

  10. TamrahJo says:

    So glad you found me in cyberspace so I could find you! Love what I’ve read during this first visit and look forward to working my way through your archives!

    Look forward to finding your new posts in my reader. 🙂

  11. Alia Ibnidris says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is really interesting and uplifting, it’s what I need to read right now!

  12. Jayne says:

    Sometimes you stumble across something and you instantly know you are going to love it, today is one of those days! Stumbling across your blog is one of those lucky times for me, I look forward to exploring here more!

  13. delfiom says:

    Wow I just came to your site, because you liked one post from my ne blog. Hey man, I really fall in love with topic you are writing and publishing!

    I have one project connected with photographs from Rila Mountain, Bulgaria, http://www.blurb.com/my/book/detail/4031171-rila-bulgaria
    I am searching now for a way to make this book affordable also for people in my country (Bulgaria).

    One project was also contributed to Water and the connection and interaction between “Human and Water” : http://www.HumanAndWater.com

    I will keep folowing your post!

  14. df says:

    Dohn, your blog continues to be inspirational reading. I’ve nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award. You can check it out here: http://wuppenif.com/2012/10/18/reader-appreciation-award/

  15. I just want to say I’m very new to blogs and truly liked this web-site. Very likely I’m going to bookmark your blog post . You amazingly have outstanding well written articles. Bless you for sharing with us your web page.

  16. great job youre doing there!
    im looking to move into self-sustainability sometime in the future in BC, Canada. so your blog has interesting ideas for me!

  17. Arizona girl says:

    What a cool blog! Thanks for the like on chanceofsun!

  18. Love your dedication to sustainable living and the overall spirituality that must come with it. You have an enviable lifestyle, to say the least. Best to you!

  19. What a great read. Love your homestead – a Dream. Thanks for sharing.

  20. nfk1 says:

    I’ve just started writing my blog about our attempts to humanise a concrete-covered estate (project) in East London, and it was cheering to see you had visited it. It also reminded me of my time in the Sangre de Cristo mountains outside Santa Fe. I send you good wishes for your explorations.

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog! That sounds so generic, doesn’t it? I really do appreciate it, however, and find your blog fascinating; I grew up too late to be around a commune, but I still have my fingers crossed that maybe someday I’ll stumble across one. Thanks for writing!

  22. Hi Dohn,
    I’ve been enjoying your blog. It makes me take a step back and breathe. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award and Blog on Fire award. Thank you for sharing your passion with us,

    Awards – Oh My…

  23. You have a great site here.

  24. Pingback: About | earthstonestation | Four Blue Hills (A repository, of sorts)

  25. Great about page. I look forward to reading and following your blog.

  26. Maggie says:

    Hi Earthstonestation. Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is certainly very interesting, So good to see people flying the flag for sustainability across the pond! Keep up the good work.

  27. martaliddiard says:

    I am learning about sustainable landscaping, looks like you will be part of my journey.

  28. Anne-Marie says:

    HI .. thanks for visiting my blog . .I’m glad you did, so that I could find out about your homestead. I’m just beginning to learn about permaculture and find this fascinating. I’ve always loved nature and the earth and the more I learn about the right way (the natural way!) to garden, and native plants, the more interested I become.

  29. narf77 says:

    Cheers for liking my post and for visiting Serendipity Farm in Tasmania. We are trying to look past the perceived “imperfections” of our property and are learning to see it with Permaculture eyes… the type of eyes that stop seeing things like weeds, rocks and steep slopes as problems and that start to look laterally and integrate them into the natural cycles that are eventually going to allow us to use less with less on Serendipity Farm. We might be horticulturalists, but that doesn’t mean that urban horticulturalists were ready for true country living! There is something about hurling yourself head first into hard physical labour, very early mornings and driving 50km to get to the nearest large town that shake your psyche awake in one fell swoop! I must say it has certainly dragged me back into nature and made me fully aware of how very small we humans part in all of this actually is. I am constantly amazed at how nature keeps on keeping on no matter what we do…always working in everything we do to adhere to her cycles and with immense dignity (despite everything that we have done…) cycling her way to balance.
    We have gone from bright eyed students in semi sterile conditions to being up to our armpits in fowl manure (and if the truth be known “fowls”), brought down to earth with a massive crash about all of our ideas and suddenly forced to take nature into consideration, in fact, make nature the boss of what we are doing here. Our plans have changed immensely from “a lovely landscaped garden with pretty deciduous shrubs and decidous trees” to “an edible food garden, most probably in raised beds, swales to slow the rapid descent of storm water in the winter and using those pesky rocks to make dry stone walls (habitat) and planting edible native plants in the garden and plants endemic to the area”. How far we have come and all with nature carefully guiding us and waiting for us to catch up at every step.
    What a life lesson country living is! I am more centred than I have ever been because now I live by the sun and the moon…up at daybreak, walking the dog in that early morning chill, back to feed and water the hens, checking the possum and wallaby damage on our potted stock that to be honest, we might just sell at a market stall because most of it no longer fits with our design for Serendipity Farm and we are so far off left from when we landed here a year and a half ago.

    We are learning about sustainable landscaping in our Diploma of Landscaping that we have just started. I am drinking this information up and have been avidly downloading PDF’s, have joined the agroforestry register (in the U.K.) and want to share EVERYTHING that I learn with everyone. Thank you again for liking my post. I am just talking from where Serendipity Farm is and will always just be a mouthpiece for the natural cycles that are already here and that we plan on integrating (aquaponics being one of them). Life is hard but life is good and when you align yourself with nature and her cycles, you suddenly become aware of who and what we humans are really supposed to be.
    Fran from Serendipity Farm :o)

  30. free7one says:

    How did you make this happen? How did you get a life like this? It’s like you’ve reached into my dreams and molded a reality.

  31. Thanks! I’ve enjoyed having a look around your blog 🙂

  32. Nativegrl77 says:

    Thank you … love your earth stone station
    sustainable living !!!

  33. essaybee2012 says:

    Thanks much, for the like on my Hobbit home posting. I’ll continue checking out your site.

  34. It is so uplifting to know that what’s in my heart is echoed by many more as we share our deep love for this planet, and choose to walk lightly upon her. Bless xx

  35. grahammb says:

    Thanks for your comment on our James Madison University’s Be the Change blog. It seems that you and our students are kindred spirits. The university has numerous programs committed to approaching the future by considering a necessary balance between economic, environmental, social and technical needs. In addition to ISAT, we have a new sustainable engineering program based on these four pillars. I’m enjoying your blog and will certainly subscribe. (PS…I LOVE your Dec. post with Bing Crosby. I grew up with Mele Kalekemaka! )
    Martha Graham

  36. J M Naszady says:

    This is a marvelous site, which I am looking forward to exploring further.

  37. I like the idea of incorporating more traditional rural techniques and skills and values into modern life *wherever* it’s lived, so I know I’ll enjoy ‘visiting’ with you here! Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself.
    Wishing you the best the earth can offer!

  38. A Clean Future Blog says:

    Thanks earthonestation for liking our very first blog post. We hope you found it inspiring, looking forward to sharing insights on environmental initiatives. Keep up the good work!

  39. As a nature lover myself, I love the deep love and reverence for nature that this blog exudes. Will be back to read more! Best wishes, Celeste.
    Thank you much for the like! 🙂

    • Gracias Celeste, you helped confirm I’m on on course. There are many living urban these times and if my words can be their door to have a brief adventure, well done. Living rural and developing models for sustainable communities is the goal.

  40. lorax4dc says:

    I was lucky enough to visit and will attest to it’s mystical beauty……….earth…….stone……station………. allowing the sun and the moon to guide you the water to replenish you and the knowledge of the history of place to feed you………


  41. StephiaMadelyne says:

    You have a gorgeous site!

  42. Hello!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for liking one of my posts, especially because it allowed me to find your blog, which has a wonderful, meditative tone, filled with a reverence for nature.

    I’ve added a link to earthstonestation to my blogroll, and look forward to stopping by when I can.


  43. Luke says:

    Dig the blog, sir! I, too, am rather new to this so feeling my way. I really enjoy the images and words and would love to see more of the art work – drawings, greeting cards, posters and so on. Are they available online?

  44. Sondra Meyer says:

    Very interesting blog!

    Every one of your posts that I have read was very well written and thought provoking. The blog’s purpose of serving as a communications link to help create awareness for preservation, sustainability, environmental responsibility while at the same time promoting responsible rural lifestyles is very admirable and important.

  45. Jacqueline says:

    Sounds like a great place!

  46. Jack Chapman says:

    Uncle Dohn,

    Wanted to reach out and let you know that your writing, subjects and collection of photos are excellent. This is a great blog. I’m enjoying it!


  47. Tess Kann says:

    What a wonderful BLOG!

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